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Showing posts from December, 2017

Wisdom of two years in university...

If you are a follower of this blog you already know that I'm currently an undergraduate in the Faculty of science of University of Colombo.. So I'll be starting my junior year in the university in next month and I wanted to share things I wish I knew in my freshman and sophomore years. I can only show you the way and it's your decision to make whether you are going to follow it or not. I'm writing this based on my experiences and things I saw and heard during those 2 years and I hope you won't do the mistakes we did and wish you good luck in following your dreams.. :)

Elephants cows and hens

Lately the death (actually a murder) of the famous tusker " Dalaputtuwa" was the hot topic on media.On social media there were two major groups of people arguing about the death on 2 different perspectives. First group was the people who comment about the death ( The killers should be hanged to death ..!!!) while tasting kfc chicken. The second group are vegetarians and people who are constantly  talking about animal rights. Let me remind you first about the country and people who are living here.. Last year the credit card machine of a famous supermarket was not working and there was a man who was blaming the president of the country for it... What can he do about that? People are really stupid and they only see what they have in front of their eyes (Some people don't even see that). Nowadays buying a phone with an internet connection is not a big deal,so every simon and john transforms their thoughts into words and type those on social media. With that it mind lets go...

Why it's illegal to take photos of the Eiffel tower at night ?

Eiffel tower, the creation of Gustav Eiffel is a cultural icon of France. Almost everyone who goes to France do not forget to take a photograph with the Eiffel tower, but did you know that it is illegal to take photos at night ? Most probably you don't and that why you are reading this post now...