As we all know A/Ls is a very tough exam and you will not be able to finish it successfully by just studying.It needs practice,timing and all.So the best way to do it is do exercises and improve knowledge,i did A/Ls in physical science stream and in sinhala medium,so based on my experience i will recommend anyone to use following books.There may be books better than following list,but books below were used by me. Chemistry almost every book by hemachandra basnayaka Akabanika rasayanaya by Aruna Bandara (there are two books for inorganic chemistry,these books will help you in for the doubts you will have in doing mcqs) Akabanika rasayana pilibanda gunathmaka ha pramanathmaka wishleshanaya by Ranga gunarathna(this also will help you in mcqs) Organic chemistry by jayathilaka(this book is very good and it will help you to understand concepts in organic chemistry better) Physics Prof D.D.N balo dayas' books yanthra vidyawa by lakshaman dissanayaka(questionsin this book are ...
I love "The Climb" - Miley Cyrus